How to add a Security Group for User Access for Microsoft 365

If you would like to restrict the access of users within your Microsoft 365 then please follow the steps below.

  • Firstly, sign into the Microsoft admin center here.
  • Click on 'Teams & Groups' and click on "Active teams & Groups" and then click "Add a group".

  • On the 'Choose a group type' page select "Security" then click "Next".
  • Name your group SpaceConnectUserGroup and then add a description or leave blank. Click "Create Group" and then "Close" to go back to the "Active teams and Groups" page.

  • Now that you have created the group it's time to add your members. From the 'Active teams and groups' page > click on 'Security' and then click on your newly made group "SpaceConnectUserGroup".
  • Click on 'Members' then click 'View all and manage members'. Click '+Add Members' and search for the users you want to be added, select the tick box and then click "Add" at the bottom when complete. 
  • The group is now updated to include the selected members. This can be repeated whenever needed to add additional users.

Please Note: For the user access to take effect, you will need to inform us at that you have added this security group so we can change your app configuration.

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